For information about Corporate Account features, see our Pricing page.

Tutorial: Corporate Accounts

This tutorial will help you set up your Corporate Account.

Corporate Account Types

You have two options...

Shared Login

  • All users log in using the same username and password.
  • All users share cranes and 3D objects.
  • All users share lift plans and credits.
  • All users will share the settings that the account administrator has chosen.

Individual Login

  • Each user will have their own username and password.
  • All users share cranes and 3D objects.
  • The account administrator has the option to allow users to share lift plans and credits.
  • All users will be able to set their own account preferences.

Corporate Account Settings

Using your administrator account, the following settings can be changed on your "Account Information" page:

Shared-Login Account

  • Allow users to purchase 3D Objects with Administrator's credits
    • Check this box to allow your users to use Credits in your Administrator's account to purchase 3D Objects. If un-checked, users will not be able to purchase 3D Objects, only the account administrator will be able to.
  • User Password
    • This is the password you will provide to all your users so they can access the account. It should be different from your password, which provides access to the Administrator settings.

Individual-Login Account

  • Share lift plans between all users
    • Check this box to allow all your users to have access to each other's Lift Plans. If un-checked, each user will have their own set of Lift Plans that only they have access to.
  • Allow users to purchase 3D Objects with Administrator's credits
    • Check this box to allow your users to use Credits in your Administrator's account to purchase 3D Objects. If un-checked, users will be able to purchase their own credits.
  • User List
    • This is where you provide a list of usernames that can access your corporate account. Your users must create their own account, but you need to add them to this list before they can acquire access to the corporate account. You must also provide them with your username. You can remove usernames from the list at any time.

Setting up User Accounts

Shared-Login Account

  • All users log in with the same username/password, which should be provided by the account administrator. No further setup is required.
  • See the Getting Started page for more detailed instructions on setting up user accounts, but skip Step 1 for Shared-Login accounts. Users do not need to create a new account.

Individual-Login Account

  • All users must create their own account and connect it to the Corporate Account.
  • Before the user account can be connected, the account administrator must add the user's username to their User List.
  • To connect the user account to the Corporate Account:
    • Enter your Corporate Account Code when creating the user account.
    • Enter your Corporate Account Code on the "Account Information" page after creating the user account.
  • See the Getting Started page for more detailed instructions on setting up user accounts.